“Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, in an appearance on Staten Island, reiterated that contrary to a 2010 report the state can privatize LIPA without hiking consumers’ electricity rates”….
How is this even possible???? why such a closely guarded secret ?…the only reason why the governor does not show the facts is because there is none! Its only politics that he is going to use to sell this travesty of converting LIPA to a Private Utility.
Two separate independent reports have stated that the private model will result in increased rates by up to 20%. There is no FEMA reimbursement for storm restoration such is in the case of the billion dollar storm damage bill that rate payer will have had to pay if it were private. That alone would have resulted in a 20% rate increase….
Governor Cuomo just show the ratepayer the facts…
Senate slates LIPA hearing Wednesday
By Yancey Roy Newsday 2/25/2013
Amid the Cuomo administration’s push to privatize the Long Island Power Authority, Sen. Carl Marcellino has slated a hearing on the utility’s future.
Marcellino (R-Syosset), head of the Senate Committee on Investigations and Government Operations, will convene the hearing Wednesday at the state Legislative Office Building. Among those scheduled to testify are Neal Lewis, a LIPA trustee, and David Daly, a vice president of Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG), the company that is set to take over operation of the Long Island power grid from National Grid.
Meanwhile, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, in an appearance on Staten Island, reiterated that contrary to a 2010 report the state can privatize LIPA without hiking consumers’ electricity rates.